Damaged doesn’t begin to cover Tamil’s current state. Riskel wants to fix that.
Turned out at a young age, Tamil was taken in by evil. All he’s known is abuse until Jonathan comes to his rescue. His mind and body are broken, but Jonathan’s home is different from any place he’s ever been. People are kind for no reason. As much as that messes with his head, it’s nothing compared to the way Riskel confuses him. Nothing feels real anymore.
Even though Tamil almost killed Riskel, Riskel knows a wounded beast when he sees one—in pain and lashing out. Riskel can’t stop himself from trying to help. Each day he gains Tamil’s trust a little more—like taming a wild animal. Only time will tell if Tamil is worth the effort or if he’ll slice Riskel’s throat in his sleep. It’s a chance Riskel’s willing to take.
Unfortunately, Riskel isn’t the only being obsessed with Tamil. Evil doesn’t want to let go. Riskel will have to risk more than his neck if he hopes to break the devil’s hold.